Class Reunion captures a pivotal moment in San Francisco’s modern music history. The pages reveal heroic live performances and intimate backstage snapshots while the Dot-Com bubble was engulfing the city and disrupting its artist community. The songs of the time tell a story of city pride, and the ultimate betrayal as corporate greed consumed cultural habitats.
156 Pages with over 200 mixed B&W and color images.

Into the Shallows is a collection of images that capture the crumbling remnants along San Francisco’s central waterfront. The photographs were shot on a path that bends from Mission Creek to Hunter’s Point. They reveal decaying monuments to humanity, as well as hopeful reminders that Mother Nature is always ready to take back what belongs to her.
San Francisco’s eastern shoreline has been in constant transformation since its hills, marshes, and creeks were leveled and filled after the Gold Rush of 1849. By the end of World War II, the area had survived 100 years of industrial waterfront evolution. Dry docks, steel mills, slaughter houses, sugar refineries, warehouses, and canneries carved the profile of this manmade coast to meet the manufacturing needs of a growing city. In the post-war years, the central waterfront witnessed a steady decline in shipbuilding and manufacturing. By the end of the twentieth century, once-bustling factories and docks lay unused, in disrepair, and falling into the Bay. Into the Shallows is a collection of images revealing overlooked remnants and natural wonders along San Francisco’s central waterfront after 170 years of industrialization and decline.
“We have made our mark on the world, but we have really done nothing that the trees and creeping plants, ice and erosion, cannot remove in a fairly short time.”
– John Steinbeck

102 pages , 90 mixed B&W and color images

Class Reunion captures a pivotal moment in San Francisco’s modern music history. The pages reveal heroic live performances and intimate backstage snapshots while the Dot-Com bubble was engulfing the city and disrupting its artist community. The songs of the time tell a story of city pride, and the ultimate betrayal as corporate greed consumed cultural habitats.
156 Pages with over 200 mixed B&W and color images.

Into the Shallows is a collection of images that capture the crumbling remnants along San Francisco’s central waterfront. The photographs were shot on a path that bends from Mission Creek to Hunter’s Point. They reveal decaying monuments to humanity, as well as hopeful reminders that Mother Nature is always ready to take back what belongs to her.
San Francisco’s eastern shoreline has been in constant transformation since its hills, marshes, and creeks were leveled and filled after the Gold Rush of 1849. By the end of World War II, the area had survived 100 years of industrial waterfront evolution. Dry docks, steel mills, slaughter houses, sugar refineries, warehouses, and canneries carved the profile of this manmade coast to meet the manufacturing needs of a growing city. In the post-war years, the central waterfront witnessed a steady decline in shipbuilding and manufacturing. By the end of the twentieth century, once-bustling factories and docks lay unused, in disrepair, and falling into the Bay. Into the Shallows is a collection of images revealing overlooked remnants and natural wonders along San Francisco’s central waterfront after 170 years of industrialization and decline.
“We have made our mark on the world, but we have really done nothing that the trees and creeping plants, ice and erosion, cannot remove in a fairly short time.”
– John Steinbeck

102 pages , 90 mixed B&W and color images

Class Reunion captures a pivotal moment in San Francisco’s modern music history. The pages reveal heroic live performances and intimate backstage snapshots while the Dot-Com bubble was engulfing the city and disrupting its artist community. The songs of the time tell a story of city pride, and the ultimate betrayal as corporate greed consumed cultural habitats.
156 Pages with over 200 mixed B&W and color images.

Into the Shallows is a collection of images that capture the crumbling remnants along San Francisco’s central waterfront. The photographs were shot on a path that bends from Mission Creek to Hunter’s Point. They reveal decaying monuments to humanity, as well as hopeful reminders that Mother Nature is always ready to take back what belongs to her.